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Great gameplay! Has a really classic feel and sound. Very, very well done!

I really enjoyed playing it. Ripped my heart out a few times and blew myself up a couple more, but still... lots of fun!

I also enjoyed climbing onto the walls to look for aberrations. Cheers!


Fun game and awesome graphics. Somewhat reminds me of speeding through a level in Neon White.

Isd there an indicator for which enemy is the key enemy? It was frustrating going through a level for the first time trying to figure out who had the key.

Also the health constraint made it so I barely ever grenade jump unless it's for a huge time save like jumping over the maze. Maybe the grenades shouldn't do damage to the player to promote nade jumping since it's such a fun part of the game.

thank you so much for playing, theres not an indicator for the key enemy, it's just usually the "different" enemy in the room, and i can see how that could be annoying but i felt an indicator could be too in your face. if i continue this project in the future then health upgrades will surely be a part of it.


I like your game a lot! Hoping to see more in the future!

thank you! i hope to do more in the future too :)


woooahh! amazing game!, you really made something that is completly unique, both gameplay wise and graphics wise, really hope that you pick this up as a commercial project,could see myself sinking lots of time in this!!!Amazin work

thank you so much! i'm really proud of how it's turning out, i didn't expect my first game jam to end up with this solid of a foundation but i really do think it's got some real potential. i'm considering continuing on the project, but we'll just have to see